Who We Support

On mission, locally & globally

At the heart of everything we do, is a mission to Glorify God and to see His kingdom grow at home and across the world. You'll find information here on some groups/individuals that we support in that mission. For purposes of safety, some names are not shared. If you would like more information, or to give financially, please contact Vickie in the office.

Email Vickie

Reach Global
We help support a family from the local area who are currently doing ministry work in Asia.
Kelley Johnson
Kelley, serves the district as the Director of Pastoral Care, helping pastors and their wives survive and thrive in life and ministry. Through prayer, listening, and a ministry of presence, his heart is to shepherd shepherds. 
America's Hand in Hand
A couple from the local area serving a culturally diverse population in North Central Washington state, committed to sharing the love of Jesus and the good news through relationships and teaching God's word.