The second piece of our mission statement is, "community with other believers", and we want to help make that happen!
Below you'll find some examples of small groups that currently meet. If you don't see a specific group you're looking for, or you'd like to start one, please reach out to Pastor Kelly.
Meets Wednesdays at 6:45 at the Starbuck site. Attend any or all weeks. Contact Mike for more information @ (406) 547-4089.
One book a month, one meeting a month.
A variety of books are read, fiction and non-fiction.
Meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m., location varies.
For more information and to join, contact Vickie Anderson 320-805-0450
Meeting time varies, but usually once a week on a
week day morning (meeting Monday mornings during the summer months) in Glenwood. Women learn the SOAP method of studying the Bible. Study is done at home and women meet to share how God spoke to them through His Word. Contact Mary (320) 424-0279 to get on the group text for meeting times and location.
We meet periodically to discuss great works of theology (& sometimes great stories of missionaries.)
For April 27th we are reading, "The Pursuit of God," by A.W. Tozer.
Next up: "The Rule of St. Benedict." Date TBD.
All are welcome to join!
See Events page for specifics or contact Caitlyn Jorgenson at (320) 491 - 0769 or via email
Men are invited to meet for bible study Thursday mornings at RJ Deutsch's. Text RJ at 715 928 0970 for details on the current chapter of study, and his address.